Wednesday 28 March 2018

Terrible Tudors

Our next topic is the terrible Tudors! Your task is to find out about the kind of food they ate, what they wore and the kind of activities they might have enjoyed. Use this information to create a leaflet advertising a Tudor banquet. Think carefully about the date of the banquet, who might be hosting it and where it will be held. What will the dress code be and can you provide a menu? Have fun!


  1. People kept animals all year round and would kill them just before they needed to be eaten. This meant that the meat was always fresh.

    To improve the flavour of games, such as deer, pheasant and rabbit, it was hung from the ceiling in a cold room for several days before eating.Bread was eaten at most meals. You could tell the class of a person by the bread they ate. Rich people ate bread made from white of wholemeal flour where as poor people ate bread made from rye and even ground acorns.

  2. Ate:
    The rich would eat lots of meat, but only a few vegetables. They would also eat spices and sugar which the poor couldn't afford. Rich and poor Tudors ate very different food from each other. Vegetables which grew underground, (such as carrots and parsnips), were only considered fit for the poor.

    What are the Tudors famous for?
    The first Tudor king was Henry Vll. He became king after the battle of Bosworth field, which ended the War of the Roses. He was followed by his son, Henry Vlll, who was famous for marrying six times and beheading two of his wives! His son, Edward Vl ruled after him, followed by his daughters Mary l and Elizabeth l.

  3. Tudor Foods:
    Usually rich Tudors would eat mainly meat and not so much vegetables and for most of the time they put on spices and sugar that most people couldn't afford.Poor Tudors however couldn't afford these types of things so they had to grow their own foods so this meant that meat wasn't a major part of their diet. Both the rich and poor almost always had bread in their diet.
    By Hamza

  4. Food

    The Tudors who were poor would eat a lot of pottage (a vegetable stew) while the rich ate meat and no vegetables. They would also eat spices and sugar. The poor ate parsnips and carrots. The rich ate onions garlic and leeks.


    Women wore a headdress , ruff , bodice and skirts filled with beads, stones and gems. The men wore hat doublet coat and hose.


    They liked to do hunting , watching people being executed , watching Shakespeare's plays in the theatre and eating.

  5. Tudors:
    Tudors were rich people who had fashionable clothes and delicious food. They mostly eat meat to keep them healthy also they rarely eat vegetables. Kings usually eat on fashionable tables with big fries. Poor people just little food like bread.



In Literacy we are learning about Play scripts. We would like you to create a play script between two commentators during a football mat...